The Year 12019
The year 2019 (or rather 12019) has been.. interesting to say the least. So much stuff happened this year, both professionally and personally.
I started my apprenticeship this summer and have absolutely loved it ever since. It feels great to finally do what you’re interested in and be around people that share your interests. For me personally, this year has also been the year I met my best friend, got comfortable with who I am and also came out to my friends. I changed so much during this year and only for the better.
Back to coding (let’s be honest, that’s all you’re really interested in). I started multiple projects this year and the quality of them always improved more and more which made the programs actually usable for the first time. I also completely redid my server-infrastructure twice this year and I’m very glad I did (NEXTCLOUD IS AWESOME!!!). It’s crazy how much you learn in just one year and I’m certainly not going to stop.
My Plans for 12020 are kinda limited, just continue like I did this year and continue to improve the quality of my projects. Btw, if you have any wishes or ideas for future projects you’d like to see from me (be realistic please), message me on my Discord or write me an email to I also want to start using more portable devices instead of just my normal desktop. For Example: I’m currently trying out if it’s possible for me to use my android tablet as my main PC… probably not, but a Laptop should do at least, although.. I mean.. it’s quite useful to use a tablet for everything because it’s sooo low powered.. I love it. But there just not so many great android apps for editing text-files for example or something like that.
I wish all of you a happy and amazing new year, wherever you are and whoever you are, thank you for being with me this year and I’ll see you next year.