.dot files 2019
I’ve been using the i3 window manager for a while now and I’m now sharing my .dot files in order to (maybe) contribute some ideas.
This configuration is what I use as a daily driver. It’s geared towards efficiency with design coming in second. Its not finished and will never by because I will always make changes when I find a better/new way to do something.
For those that didn’t know: i3wm is a “tiling window manager”, meaning that it arranges windows automatically and has (basically) no “floating” windows, As a result of this you are able to use it by keyboard only.
The backbone of this setup us Manjaro, because it is (semi) lightweight, fast, a rolling release distro and is based on Arch and therefor has access to the AUR and (a lot of) cutting edge software.
The color-scheme is generated by pywal which also generates the lock-screen (using betterlockscreen) and the gtk-theme and icon-theme using oomox.
Used software includes (but is not limited to):
- i3wm (obviously)
- polybar (with additional scripts)
- rofi (also with scripts)
- termite (using the fish shell)
- vim (with Plugins)
- pywal
- betterlockscreen
- oomox
- taskwarriot (aka: task)
- lollypop
- ranger
You can download the dot files here: dot-2019.tar.gz
If you have any questions about my setup, please message me at info@1yanik3.com or on Reddit at u/1Yanik3.